I own a GB gameshark, and I know how codes are made, but it was my first game ever, lol.) We can do so many things far easier today than we could back then. (I would never, ever, do it on my retail copy. I've seen it with my own eyes, as I like to mess around with the game's coding for fun on my emulator. There's no question they would have known.

Programming was tricky in both the 80's and 90's, and what you just said was obvious to the creators at that time. DO NOT enter the water - if you do, and you encounter Tentacool or Tentacruel, you messed up the glitch. Surf up and down on the shore on the right side of Cinnabar Gym (dark strip of land) and keep going up and down it until you get a Pokemon. Watch his demonstration on catching a Weedle. Talk to the man who blocked your path in the beginning of the game because he was grouchy and didnt have his coffee. 4 as well as many others) It's pretty straight forward - Fly to Viridian City.
Clearing the Hall of Fame can be done by this Gameshark code - 0100A2D5 or for those who would rather just go in the memory, change address D5A2 to 00. However, Even if you don't physically save after seeing Missingno, and you just reset your game, the damage is already done because at the start of the encounter, when the game is black, it is writing to the save file. and there is still unseen damage done to the cartridge.Įrasing the Hall of Fame can help make games glitch less- because most of the corruption is saved to the Hall of Fame. Starting a new game over a corrupted save file will overwrite corruption (as Foxi4 mentioned), and most likely result in glitch-free gameplay as you are running with a new save file, but sometimes the game can become permanently corrupted through messing around too much with Missingno. It would also require some editing by altering the algorithms used by each location to fit these new monsters into the wild so they can be caught. When the above poster said to rewrite the code, he/she was right - because you would have to actually create 39 new monsters from the ground up - sprite, stat distribution, moves it learns, evolutions, etc. 190 slots were programmed into the game for the 190 pokemon, and so the unused 39 slots carry Missingno. There were originally to be 190 pokemon, however this was reduced to the original 151 we have today. So yes, it is a kind of error handler - but an unintentional one at that. It's literally the game trying to force a Pokemon template where one doesn't belong anymore. is what appears when the Pokemon game tries to load a pokemon that wasn't programmed to exist. Lol - this is actually my area of expertise!Ĭlearly, as the name MissingNo.